achtundsechzig Aug 29, 2008 01:24
i'm gonna stab a bitch, love is not obsession giovanni, oh heine, gio's very calm, pissed, killing stuff, he's gonna do something stupid, approach with caution, gtfo assholes, chalkoi, albino puppy, he's so far gone, family, it's dramatics, idc, here puppy puppy, obol, ilu cerberus rly, he does not like this, heine come to mother, my heine, need alone time, heine, heine's mine to break, wtg guys, who cares, heine's the dog, gio loves the violence, my puppy to destroy, i shoot, being a drama king, destroying things, breaking shit, i luv my puppy, who really cares?, i love blood, sanity not in tact, heine come home, love is what he calls it, mine mine mine, brother, displeased, lol crazy bastard, redecorating with your insides?, for the last time, oh here puppy, i will destroy you, sadist, lolololol heine, gio = depressed, my puppy, where am i going?, heine is my puppy, heine's a dumbass, no touchy, puppy let's play, oh brother where art thou?, will hurt you k?, violence, please avoid
achtundsechzig Jul 27, 2008 02:37
look best in red, piss moan complain whine, love is not obsession giovanni, stray dogs, lily makes him reminiscent, lol mindfuck, albino puppy ftw, albino puppy, darling lily, lol luvs his brother, blood = paint, ilugreedbb, mother complex doesn't start to describe, heine come to mother, stray, oh hell yes, whee that was fucked up, how cruel, heine's the dog, dogs can tell, gio loves the violence, greed plz, who not which, oh darling~, sanity not in tact, heine come home, heine and lily, to be a collared dog, fyi: giovanni's insane, greed+gio=otp? y/n?, giovanni likes it, greed, sadist, oh so fragile, gio is a smart man, i'm not greed's girlfriend, puppy let's play, that was kinda creepy, oh my sister, please avoid, i kill people lots, greed+gio+beedsheets = mess, okay maybe i am greed's girlfriend, greedtousan, my bb greed, i'm a dangerous man, please be bloody for me, chalkoi, he's so far gone, oh god what fun, collared, not her favorite, i'll write him sonnets, heine, lol dog, heine's mine to break, greed is my bb, wtg guys, puppy, welcome to my world, happy really, destroying things, i luv my puppy, breaking shit, kaa-san speaking, what was going on in my head?, i love blood, greed is mine, being a puppy is fun, thanks, heine's gunna get fucked, mine mine mine, gimme my tousan, note to daddy, oh here puppy, heine = real dog now, lolololol heine, always second best, lily, lol what, greed = tousan, he's so happy, violence
achtundsechzig Jun 09, 2008 00:42
dungeons = bad news, oops, help plz, should probably sit down, sanity not in tact, lol mindfuck, kinda disoriented, kinda lost, devil's nest, that was kinda creepy, he's shaken up, chalkoi, please avoid, where's devil's nest